Thursday, June 18, 2009

There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead

Sorry all my readers. I kinda made myself a liar by not posting yesterday as I had promised. I didn't count on the fact that I would be completely exhausted and barely functioning as a living organism the past two days. I really don't have anything exciting to report from the last two days, as I really didn't do anything but wander around the house looking for the brain I had lost. Laura was in the same boat as me. Hopefully we are both up to snuff tomorrow, or it's going to be an extremely long day. :S

Oh yeah, that reminds me. I would appreciate prayers for both me and Laura because we are pretty sure this slight brush with mostly deadness is caused by an ambush by the cold. So far, we have done our best to fight it off, but it's a tough advisary.


  1. Need a big chocolate pill???

  2. "Hey buddy... whats so important?! Whaddaya got to live for?"
