Monday, June 1, 2009


Today was the first day of June! Well, here in Japan, anyway. It was kind of a laid back day.
Jerry gave me a quick tour of main street, emphasis on quick. Not because it was breif, but rather cause Jerry has a quick stride and I half jogged to keep up. :D We went to a 7-11 where I got some money out. Silly me, I didn't notice there was a limit to how much I could take out at a time and ended up trying to get money twice. After that was a department store, then a sweets shop? Jerry bought two bunches of Sasudango. Sasudango is this chewy little bun thing full of sweet bean paste wrapped in sasu(?) leaves. I think they look kinda like cucumbers. They taste really interesting. It didn't taste bad, but I couldn't finish my sasudango.
Right next to the sweets shop is Number 1 coffee. We stopped in and said hello to the owner who was really nice. But right now I feel bad cause I can't remember his name. But they were roasting coffee beans when we walked by and it smelled sooooooooo good. We also stopped at the post office.
Jerry is a wealth of information. During a little town tour, he told me a bunch of things about superstitions. There are soooooo many superstitions like certain days are bad for weddings or funerals while others are good. Like, Take a Friend Along day? Good for a wedding, bad for a funeral. :D haha
The rest of the day I spent just hanging around. Rebekah, Kei, and I played like 7 games of Eqyptian Rat Race/Killer. I also walked around the park with Laura. I get to go to English classes with Jerry and Laura, tomorrow, though.

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