Saturday, June 20, 2009

Have fun storming the castle!

What to say, what to say. I've learned a couple things about myself the last couple days. Hot showers don't tend to melt away my grumpiness, a day without any form of caffiene is like a day at sea with no wind, and I cannot eat a whole bowl of ramen. Nope. Can't do it.

Let's begin. Once upon a time, there was.... me. Friday, if you haven't begun to notice a pattern, is lunch and bible study with the ladies. Friday's lunch was egg salad and tuna salad sandwiches....mmmmmm. I was given the task of going down to the birdie shop (yeah, I don't know the name of the store. But there is a bird on the sign, so.....) and buying some butter rolls for the salads to be put on. Easy enough, right? But apparently they have some butter rolls here that come with butter in them....that would not be all that great for a sandwich. Luckily another growing trend on my Fridays is Japanese class, so I happened to have my Hiragana and Katakana alphabet worksheets on me. That was lucky!! All of the signs at the bakery were basically in Katakana.....I'm struggling to remember Hiragana right now...and sooooo....trying to remember Katakana at the spur of the moment to find bata-ro was not happenin'. Another lucky occurance...the sign actually said bata-ro, well, in katakana of course, and not some Japanese word that I didn't know the meaning of. If you still don't get it say ba-ta-ro slowly.
Ba-ta-ro=-bu-tter-roll :D. I managed, thankfully, and the rolls I bought? DELICIOUS!!! They were sooooo good.

After bible study, (we learned about Moses and the Red Sea, if you were wondering) I headed on over to Japanese class. Again, lucky moment. I walked into the building right after a girl that was in my group and followed her to where the class was. Why is this lucky? They had class in a different room than last week. I would have been soooo lost. We learned about seasons and a few other things like weather and the difference between "o" and "oh" in speaking and writing. I still like the class alot....even though I'm pretty sure I'm behind everyone else in my group. haha.

I chilled for a bit when we got back to the house. For some reason, I was kinda in a grumpy mood. I went and took a hot shower, putting on some coffee before I went. Nice long hot shower+ hot cup of coffee+ the added bonus of peanut butter popcorn apparently did not = good mood. I didn't snap at anyone or anything like that. I just took my coffee and popcorn back to my room to get away from it all. After the chillins went to bed, I hiked downstairs to have my weekly meeting with Laura. And then we started talking about a bunch of other things.....for like 2 hours. It was really nice though, and I appreciated it greatly.

I woke up this morning at about 9 or so, stumbled downstairs, took a shower and then went to get my usual cup of coffee and.....bum, bum, bummmmmmmmm! There was hardly anything in the pot! I felt pretty awake anyway so I thought I'd go without. I hurried up and finished getting ready just in time to head out the door to take Kei to her friend Ami's to study science and then go grocery shopping with Laura. I was feeling fine....until we actually got to Ami's house and Laura went inside for a few moments. I was stranded at the drive-in, branded a fool, what will they..... wait.... that's not right at all.... I was just left in the car for a bit and then that lack of morning coffee hit me hard. I almost fell asleep in the car. I dunno what it is about Saturdays and no coffee lately, but it's really starting to bum me out. Laura noticed my distress and said we could get coffee at the grocery store, which is what I did last week. We both forgot. How I forgot, I do not know.

After we got back to the house and put groceries away, I hung out for a bit before Keiko came over. We had planned about a week ago to go to a ramen shop today. So she came over about 11:30. We walked over to the ramen shop and then waited outside for about 10-15 minutes because it was so busy. I was told to just order ramen, which is kinda a soy sauce ramen. Keiko was going to order miso ramen and then let me try it. I didn't get a picture, but those bowls were huge! Like huge huge! I also learned that Naruto, you know the ninja? Naruto is actually this white thing with a pink swirl that they put in ramen..... that's all I know. Keiko didn't know how to describe it. I think it tasted funny. The ramen was pretty good, the miso ramen tasted a bit better, though. I didn't eat all of my ramen.... but that turned out to be ok cause Keiko finished it off. :D

Keiko hung out around the house with me and Rebekah til about 2-2:30. Rebekah showed us how to make this.... flower looking thing with origami... it was pretty fun. We also played spoons. I told Laura about SCC games of Extreme Spoons. It very well may be an English camp activity. She was warned about the hazards, though. Like violence over a spoon. haha.

By the time Keiko left, the fact that STILL no caffiene had been added to my body was hitting me hard. I fell asleep for 3 hours before waking up for supper. I will definately have to make sure to get my coffee tomorrow because between this cold and no caffiene, I am really tired at the writing of this blog, only 4 hours after my 3 hour nap. Plus I have a withdrawal headache. haha.

Oh! In case you were wondering, Kids' Club was canceled this week due to a lack of people signed up for it. That's why there are no little paragraphs about kids' club in this blog. Well, except for this one. :)


  1. Keep writing, even without coffee, you are way to funny!!!

  2. Good analogy for the "day without coffee" thing!
