Thursday, July 9, 2009

She turned me into a newt!

Yeah, that's right. I'm switching from one ridiculous movie to the next on my titles. Kudos to you if you know what movies I've been quoting. If you don't have not truly lived my friend.
Like I mentioned in my last blog, I'm going to try and give you a little tidbit of daily activities. So for your entertainment and pleasure..... we are proud to present......your dinner, I mean, my day.
So Thursdays are my days off. I don't really do much of anything except hang out with the girls and watch movies. Today's snack and movie combo of choice? Space Jam and cookies, gummies for the girls. It was raining pretty well earlier, so Kei and I shared a casa (umbrella AND a Spanish house/castle!) but really.... just the umbrella, to the birdie store where we bought our supplies. Bekah wasn't feeling too good, so she stayed behind. Josh, whom I normally babysit for a bit, was off with his mama at the hospital doing tests.
Laura, Kei and I also hoofed it back to the birdie store to grab dinner. And later I went to Senenkai (?) with Keiko. It's an adult bible study. Though, today I felt like I was just holding things up because no one spoke or thought they spoke very good english and they were trying to translate stuff for me. I did prove to be an excellent source of entertainment for Ami, Noboru and Maki Sasaki's daughter, as she kept stealing my slipper while hiding under the table. :S haha

Kota, the Sasaki's son, has been sick the past few days with asthema problems and a fever.
English Camp! We need more people to come!
Maki asked me to see if my friend Dong from Japanese class wanted to come to English camp...prayers for courage. I almost choked when I asked her to come to the bbq. :S
I am teaching Sunday School at Kamo this Sunday...Prayers please! I'm already freaking out about it.

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