Sunday, July 26, 2009

Caffiene IV Stat!

Hello! I know it's been a little while, but I have become WAY busy the last few days. Saturday, I was picked up by Rie Sasaki, Noboru's sister-in-law, for a homestay. A homestay, for those who don't know, is a stay in a home of a different culture.
Our first stop was the library. Rie has two little boys under the age of 5, Takeshi and Tsuyoshi. So we got a plethera of kids books including 3 English kids books. When we got to her house, everybody took short little naps while she made lunch. Rie is a VERY good cook. We had curried rice for lunch. And yes, Japanese curry and Indian curry are very much different. It tasted slightly the same, but it wasn't nearly as hot or, I dunno, not likeable? haha
I played with Takeshi after lunch and Rie got to slip in a nap. Now, Takeshi and Rie can both speak pretty good english, Rie more so. But, games like tag and hide-and-seek? Not called that here. (Well, duh!) But I didn't know what they were called, so Takeshi kept saying "Kakurembo" and "Oni....(something or other)" while looking at me expectantly. It wasn't until Rie-san came down from her short nap that I found out what Takeshi wanted from me. haha
We also played like 15 games of "Headache" or Cones. It's kinda like Sorry! only simpler, and the pieces look like traffic cones. And I read the English kids books that we got twice each.
Afterward we went kani fishing.....or crab fishing. We took along little chopstick poles tied with thread and went out to try and catch crabs. Unfortunately, we didn't see any crabs...just tadpoles.
For supper, we had somen and tempura. It was delicious.

I also found out that Rie embrioders for money. She showed me some kimono fabric that she had done, and lemme tell was absolutely gorgeous!!!
She draped the fabric on me to show me what it would look like. I didn't like the pics of me :S, but I loved the fabric! It is going to make a beautiful kimono!
We all took baths (not at the same time), and then played another game of cones and watch Adventures in Odyssey. Then we all headed upstairs to go to bed.


Woke up, had breakfast (cereal, melon, sausage, eggs, cucumber and coffee), then we all went to church. After church, we headed back to the house for some steak and salad. And later on, after a nap on my end, we had chicken for supper.
Then, some ladies that are staying at the house went with Kei, Bekah and I to the beach for Gyon Matsuri fireworks! I didn't get to wear my yukata because it had been raining. :(
Kei and I got seperated from our heard without a phone and were trying to find either our group or Keiko at the beach......but like half of Kashiwazaki was there, so we just went back to the house and finished watching the fireworks from the roof accompanied by Nathan, Robin and browines and root beer. What we saw of the fireworks was amazing. They were huge! The Japanese word for fireworks is Hanabi....which basically means fire flower. And that was an accurate description tonight. Most of the fireworks looked like flowers. They also had smiley faces, waterfalls, Saturns, and raccoons. It was awesome!

Ok. That's all I've got for ya! Starting tomorrow is English camp, so I'll be MIA from the blogging scene til Thursday night....and I can almost guarentee you won't here from me on Thursday.

Please pray for the success and ministry of this camp and for the workers that they will lead in God's word.

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